Saturday, May 22, 2010

Horse Breeding

Looking to breed horses? This is how its done :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Enrich your horses environment!

A horse is naturally inquisitive and determined to explore their environment and enjoy it! You will notice they are constantly moving their feet every 3-5 seconds when grazing. When stabling a horse you may want to perform many of their natural behaviors in their new environment for them, for certain reasons.

Without naming many things you can do yet, spend some time with your horse and see if you can develop a personal bond where you guys can communicate. When your horse is on a comfortable level with you, play some games with your horse, hide food in the hay, or tie some kebabs on the post for your horse. 

Clean Drinking Water, What to watch out for!

Taking care of your horses is a heavy task if you make it to be one. To ensure your horse is at the top of his game and health you can start with the essentials....water!

Have an automatic watering system for your horse? Make sure in the warmer months of the year to scrub and clean your trough or bucket for any algae build up. You may notice your horse not drinking much and it can be easily fixed.

Whats so great about Cod Liver Oil?

As humans we supplement our bodies with Omega-3 when eating fish, they are essential nutrients that provide vitamins A, D, K. Cod liver oil is a ideal supplement for your horse, it will provide beneficial elements to maintain good blood flow, metabolic process, body defense mechanism, and faster healing of wounds.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fun games to play with your horse

  1. Use paper bags to hide treats inside, the point is for your horse to pick apart/unravel the bag to get the treats.
  2. Hang a paper bag from a fixture with treats inside the horse, call it training or exercise. The horse will stand up partially on its hind legs to reach for the bag full of goodies!